हमें ख़ुशी है कि हम भारतीय हैं, हम गणतंत्र हैं और रहेंगे!

देश के स्वतंत्र अस्तित्व की मैं समीक्षा करता हूँ , अपनी मातृभूमि पर मैं जी-जान से मरता हूँ। कोई दीवानगी की हद है, जिसे मैं पार नहीं करता हूँ? मैं भारतीय हूँ, मैं भारत हूँ, मैं अभिव्यक्ति हूँ, मन में मैं यही सोच कर खुश रहता हूँ। मुझमें भारत सांस लेता है, मैं भारत से हूँ। …

Lt.General JFR Jacob

Dear Officer,   You will be missed and you will be remembered. There is always a chance , some people are special .When they are gone, they take a part of us with them.Life moves on but that missing part if that happens to be ‘heart’ leaves a vacuum. Your services to nation were indispensable. …

घराना विरासत

If you ask me from the connoisseur’s point of view, I would say there is nothing like classics. Classics have style, they have their language which is perceived from hearts through hearts but the talent, the hard work that goes into it all is legendary. Legends were born but they discovered themselves always when they recognized …

Michael Jackson

    I suddenly felt compelled to remember you Michael. After all I have followed up with you since my very childhood. I did read a lot, what celebrity status did to you; Wrong People;Wrong Choices did to you. But you did wonders only to the Art. Generations can feel atop when they plug in …


26.11.2008. Mumbai. Terror Attacks. Carnage. Spirit of Mumbai  But Indestructible. कुछ बात है कि हस्ती मिटती नहीं हमारी ! As a country, we know We breathe our freedom heavily. And we love our freedom immensely. Heart breaks at the heartlessness of 26/11 like misfortunes. We lose our loved ones; our dear ones; able Officers; peace …

अमृता प्रीतम – Freshness of Fragrance Forever

Amrita Pritam-Shift in Times पंजाब दी सी ,पंजाब जयी सी, ओह, इक्को ही सही , जेदा ना अमृता सी। पता नहीं , किधरो सोच दे मुंढेर ते बै क़े, सफया दे नायाब , तयहवा  विच बंद हरफा नू, खोल के , कविता विच काढ छोड़दी सी। जेहा सोचदी सी, ओहो केहन्दी सी, अमृता न जयी कोई , अहो …